Power supply included
Standard 9v, center ground power jack
180 mA required current
Soft Touch True Bypass
Top mounted jacks
Up to 24 parallel high-performance resonant filters
A high performance parallel resonant filter bank is at the heart of Spira. Spira’s filters can be selected to operate at 6, 12, or 18 dB per octave and the Q factor can be set from flat to near oscillation.
Selectable density
Set Spira’s filters for an octave spacing to get the classic Shepard effect. Set the filters for tritone spacing to double the density, or select the middle mode of alternating octave and tritone intervals for a spacy and unique effect.
Control the rate of the sweep from glacially slow through tremolo range
When turned fully to the left, the filter sweep freezes, producing an effect similar to a comb filter or formant filter. Turn it up a bit and the classic, slow sweeping Shepard effect is produced. As you go further clockwise, a warbling tremolo effect is produced.
Sweep up or sweep down
The illusion of the filters infinitely moving in one direction can create a strong tension and mood. Reversing the direction from sweeping up or down offers even more control over the sound, and can have an impact at all settings of the rate control.
Volume and blend controls to strike just the right balance
Use blend to have total control over the balance and intensity of the effect. The volume control helps ensure just the right level when you punch in the effect.
Check out a demo of the features and settings of the Spira pedal.